Computer Diagnostics Scanning
Is your car making odd sounds? Perhaps there’s an odd sensation when you turn or your electrical system is acting up…
Identifying what’s wrong with your car isn’t always an easy process. And unless you know your way around a car and have the necessary tools, determining the source of the problem and how to fix it can be a tough process.
Lucky for you, German Automotive Repair offers computer diagnostics scanning and repair services!
We’re a team of professional mechanics who are passionate about cars and helping our customers. Our shop is fully equipped with all of the necessary repair tools, diagnostics tools as well as quality lifts that will give us easy access to your vehicle.
Using the latest computer diagnostics scanning technology, we’ll be able to isolate the issue or issues with your vehicle quickly and effectively.
Scanning Process
If you’re not sure what’s wrong with your car, schedule an appointment! We’ll take your vehicle in as soon as possible.
First, we’ll conduct an inspection of the interior and exterior of your car. We will prop your car up on our lift – making the inspection much easier. This way, we can quickly discover problems with your steering, brakes or exhaust.
Second, using a quality computer diagnostics scanner, we’ll be able to see if there are any issues with your engine, electrical system, airbags and air condition system. Our mechanic will plug in the scanner just beneath the dash. From there, we’ll receive a code. All we need to do is search up the code online and we’ll get a clear description of the problem.
Vehicles are complex machines. Therefore there are a number of problems that can arise. Occasionally it’s simple and repairs are straightforward. In other circumstances, there might be several problems. And sometimes the issues aren’t necessarily worth fixing right away.
Regardless of the situation, we’ll make sure that you understand exactly what is wrong with your vehicle. So you can make a clear and informed decision moving forward.
German Automotive Repair
When it comes to diagnostics and repairs for your vehicle, you can trust German Automotive to handle everything from start to finish.
We have a team of certified mechanics who are passionate about cars as well as providing excellent computer diagnostics scanning and repair services. We’ve been providing quality repair services for years. Our team works with a variety of car brands including: Acura, Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Volvo, Mercedes, Lexus and many more!
At German Automotive Repair, we provide quality repair services that are reliable and affordable. We’ll quickly assess the state of your vehicle and fast and effective repairs that will leave your car running like new!
So if you’re not sure what’s wrong with your car, give us a call today! With our computer diagnostics scanning and professional repair services, you can rest easy knowing that your car is in good hands.